Equitable Notice

Equity sees the Beneficiary as the True owner of the Property (for the sake of the laymen, the body corpus made by creator acting as vessel for the man known as Anesu Patrick Sakutombo ©™ belongs and is claimed herein by the ANESU PATRICK SAKUTOMBO ©™ estate).

The Original Trust 

In Matthew 16:18 we see: 'And I say unto thee, thou art Peter and, upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not overcome it. 19 I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom and whatsoever thou shalt build upon earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.'

Peter received the keys to the kingdom of heaven, earth, as a servant steward and Trustee. he was not given dominion over man, nor was ownership over the divine estate conveyed to him. Peter became a servant and steward over the Lord's creation. Peter became the primary Trustee, a servant of the servant of the servants of God.

Once Christ gave Peter the keys to the Kingdom, he conferred the authority of the divine creator, as trustee, on Peter. Peter had full authority after the Divine Creator to instill decisions that no-one could revoke. "Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."


Equity acts in Notice of Surrender

Equitable Action For Reversion

Notice of Transition from Beneficiary to Heir

I am no longer a Beneficiary, I am now the true heir to the kingdom I came into the world sovereign by the grace of God with all the rights of a king with a divine right of dominion over my  own kingdom granted by God in Genesis 1:26. Until now, my inheritance has been administered under Christs New Covenant, a trust established when Jesus gave Peter the Keys to the kingdom as described in Matthew.

My Earthly Father, while still believing he was required to do so filed an application for a certificate of Live birth. Based on my earthly Fathers testimony, as an informant, I have been trasnformed from an heir to a benficiary, my name entered into the book of the dead. Although I was still living, I had been transported to the graveyard of commerce well beyond the Fathers Kingdom.

As beneficiary I am forced to apply for license , complete with fines , fees and taxes, for the enjoyment of my sovereign rights. The Trustees have placed their own private script /money between me and my divine inheritance forcing me to expend my life energy just to survive thereby diverting me from my divine purpose here on earth.

As a benficiary I am unable to handle my own affairs as the trustees have full control over my inheritance. I have no protection and I am unable to defend my personal and property rights as ther is no remedy in the courts of law. The trustees have forced me to live in poverty unable to provide for my very basic survival needs having separated me from my divine inheritance of abundance and prosperity.

Today i am no longer a beneficiary. I am the true heir to the kingdom having fulfilled the terms and conditions set forth in Chrits new Covenant, the law of teh trust, to accept and surrender Christ's New covenant to facilitate the merger and union in the Fathers Estate.

Please take notice that the change in my status from benficiary to heir changes your fiduciary duties and responsibilities concerning an heir to the kingdom. 

As an heir to the kingdom I am one of the Private People with all of the protections and retrictions against tresspass on my private rights and property as set forth in the Geneva Convention and laws of war and occupation.

My Surrendered 'PERSON' is now an IPP, Internationally Protected Person, under the Geneva Convention and is protected from all charges, seizures and /or arrests and civil executions and adverse actions taken against the surrendered PERSON and / or one of the Private People constitutes a war crime.



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Regulatory authority

Jurisdiction Kingdom of Heaven, and whilst Sojourner in this realm, the Courts of Equity will see to my right of subrogation as per affidavit of subrogation on record.

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